The exact cost of materials will vary depending upon a number of factors such as

  • availability;
  • whether they are specialist or general materials;
  • the quality of the material, especially top-dressings;
  • location of the site for delivery from the supplier;
  • quantity of materials being purchased - discounts for large quantities.

If we take the maintenance calendar as a guide, the following costs might be incurred:

Material Quantity and unit cost Total cost
(Spring 2003)
Petrol for machines say 70 gallons @ £3.50 per gallon £245
Top-dressing 2 tonnes in April & 7 tonnes in October, say 1 tonne for general repairs etc. @ £30 per tonne £300
Seed 1 x 25 kg bag in April & 2 bags in October @ £110 per bag £ 330
Fertiliser 3 x 25 kg bags in April, 2 in June & 2 in August: 7 bags in total @ £30 per bag for April & £16 per bag for the remainder
(The analysis and form will affect the cost, typically ranging from £10 - £40 per 25 kg)
Turf tonic, (sulphate of iron) At 6 g/m², 1/3 of a 25kg bag covers a green; 6 applications in total = 2 bags @ £12 per bag £24
Turf tonic, (ammonium sulphate) At 6 g/m², 1/3 of a 25kg bag covers a green; @ £14 per bag £14
Turf for worn areas Say 10m² at £2.50 per m² £25
Pesticides: (These costs will vary depending upon chemical ingredient and concentration of the chemical)
Fungicides £150 per application x 4 £600
Herbicides £25 per application x 1 £25
Insecticides £140 per application x 1 £140
Mosskillers £60 per application x 1 £60
Wetting agents £90 per application x 2 £180
Irrigation water supply If a m³ (220 gallons) of water costs say, 80p;
a green requires, say, 25mm per m² of water per week (1475m² x 25mm = about 37 m³).
37 m³ x 80p = approximately £30 per week. Part of this will, however, be supplied by rainfall during the spring and summer months. If water had to be applied for, say 20 weeks at half the given rate, then this would equal 20 weeks x £15 per week = £300.
Total   £2397

From the information given, pesticides can readily contribute to 40% of the 'typical' material costs for a bowling green. This is one area that should be targeted for reduction through improved maintenance and management practices.