1. Once the above construction work has been completed the Contractor will be responsible for maintaining the area on a regular basis, bringing it up to the standards that are to be achieved prior to handover to the Customer.

2. During the growing season the square and defined area of outfield will need to be cut as often as necessary to maintain the grass at an appropriate height:

  • For the cricket square this will be between 15mm and 25mm, whilst
  • For the outfield this will be 18 and 30mm, however, these heights may be adjusted by the Customer.

3. Throughout the growing season, and beyond if need be, the Contractor will have to undertake a whole range of turf culture operations to progress the facility up to the desired standards.

4. The cricket square and graded outfield must meet the following standards prior to handover:

Cricket Square

Performance Standard Parameter
Grass Species The ground cover of suitable grass species, per square metre, to be at least 95%.
Suitable species of grass to be:
Perennial Ryegrass
Chewings Fescue
Browntop Bent
Or any other species which the Customer deems to be appropriate.
Ground Cover The total ground cover, per square metre, shall be at least 98%.
Weed Content No broad leaved weed species. Fine leaved weed content shall not exceed 5% per square metre.
Moss Content No moss to be present.
Fungal Diseases Not to exceed 2% per square metre.
Pest Infestation No harmful pests.
Earthworm Casts The maximum number of earthworm casts per square metre shall be 3.
Thatch Thatch depth not exceed 3mm.
Nutrient and Mineral Status and pH pH 5.5 to 6.8
Phosphorus (P) ADAS Index 2
Potassium (K) ADAS Index 1 - 2
Evenness When a straight edge is placed in any position on the surface, the gaps between the straight edge and the surface shall at no point be greater than the tolerances set out below:
Length of straight edge - 3 m : Tolerance - 3 mm
Length of straight edge - 0.5 m : Tolerance - 2 mm
Top Dressing The top dressing used to improve the quality of the pitch throughout the maintenance period shall conform to the parameters indicated below
Have a clay content of 28-32%
Have less than 1% stone in excess of 2mm;
Adams & Stewart Soil Binding test no less than 50kg;
Have an organic matter content of 3-8%
pH of 5.5 - 6.8
The material would probably be very similar, if not the same as that applied during the construction of the square.

Cricket Outfield

Performance Standard Parameter
Grass Species The ground cover of acceptable grass species per square metre shall be at least 90%, with the acceptable species of grass being as follows:
Perennial Ryegrass
Strong Creeping Red Fescue
Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
Chewings Fescue
Browntop Bent
Or any other species which the Customer deems to be appropriate.
Ground Cover The total ground cover, per square metre, shall be at least 95%.
Weed Content Broad-leaved weeds not to exceed 2% per square metre. Fine leaved weeds not to exceed 5% per square metre.
Moss Content Not to exceed 3% per square metre.
Fungal Diseases Not to exceed 5% per square metre.
Pest Infestation No harmful pests.
Earthworm Casts The maximum number of earthworm casts per square metre shall be 3.
Thatch Thatch depth not to exceed 8mm.
Nutrient and Mineral Status and pH pH 5.5 to 6.8
Phosphorus (P) ADAS Index 1-2
Potassium (K) ADAS Index 1-2
Evenness When a straight edge is placed in any position on the surface, the gaps between the straight edge and the surface shall at no point be greater than the tolerances set out below:
Length of straight edge - 3 m : Tolerance - 10 mm
Length of straight edge - 0.5 m : Tolerance - 8 mm
Top Dressing The top-dressing used to improve and maintain the evenness of the outfield will be as the sandy loam given in the Material Specifications.

5. The Customer might have a water supply nearby, which might be used by the Contractor. This would usually be utilised in an economical and appropriate way by the Contractor for the establishment and maintenance of the cricket square and outfield. A water meter might be installed to ensure this is the case. The cost of the water would usually be the responsibility of the Customer.