Articles and documents which have been found to be useful in the writing of this Information Guide are as follows:

  1. Baker et al, (2000), 'The effect of mowing regime and the use of acidifying fertiliser on rates of earthworm casting on golf fairways', Journal of Turfgrass Science, pp 2-11;
  2. Bins et al, (1999), 'A survey of earthworm populations on golf course fairways in Great Britain', Journal of Turfgrass Science,pp 36-44;
  3. Baker & Binns, (1998), 'Earthworm casting on golf courses: A questionnaire survey', Journal of Turfgrass Science,pp 11-24;
  4. Baker et al, (1998), 'Reduction in rates of earthworm casting on turf areas using Carbendazim, Carbaryl and Gamma-HCH & Thiophanate-Methyl', Journal of Turfgrass Science, pp 25-39;
  5. Dobson, (1997), 'The need for speed: Should green speed be the golf course manager's ultimate goal', Turf Management, September, pp 25-26
  6. Baker, (1996), 'A survey of golf greens in Great Britain. IV. Playing Quality', Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute, pp 9-24;
  7. Hind et al, (1995), 'A survey of golf greens in Great Britain. I. Soil properties', Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute,pp 9-22;
  8. Baker et al, (1995), 'A survey of golf greens in Great Britain. II. Sward characteristics',Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute, pp 23-30;
  9. Baker et al, (1995), 'A survey of golf greens in Great Britain. III. Questionnaire data on the performance and maintenance of greens', Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute, pp 31-41;
  10. Stewart, (1993), 'Deciding a policy about earthworms', in 'Sports Turf', pp 99-103
  11. Dury, (c. 1993), 'Performance Quality Assessment : Measurable Limits of Quality', Nottinghamshire County Council
  12. Anon, (1993), 'Flowers in the grass', English Nature;
  13. Baker & Richards, (1993), 'Rootzone composition and the performance of golf greens. III. Soil physical conditions', Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute, pp 38-48;
  14. Lodge & Lawson, (1993), 'The construction, irrigation and fertiliser nutrition of golf greens. Botanical and soil chemical measurements over 3 years of differential treatment', Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute, pp 59-73;
  15. Drury, (1992), 'Science and the art of turf maintenance', Horticulture Week, March 6, pp19-24;
  16. Taylor, (1991), 'Ecology and the greenkeeper', Greenkeeper International, November, pp 8-9;
  17. Anon, (1991), BS7370:Part 3:1991, 'Grounds Maintenance, Part 3: Recommendations for maintenance of amenity and functional turf (other than sportsturf)', British Standards Institute
  18. Haake, (1991), 'The impact of golf balls on natural turf. II. Results and Conclusions', Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute, pp 128-134;
  19. Nelson & Swash, (1990), 'The stimpmeter under scrutiny', Greenkeeping Management, July, p.54;
  20. Shildrick, (1985), 'Thatch: A review with special reference to UK golf courses', Journal of the Sports Turf Research Institute, pp 8-25;
  21. Hawtree, (1983), 'The golf course : Planning, design, construction and maintenance', pp 74;