Policy documents

Unless five or less are employed by an organisation, a written copy of an organisation's Health and Safety Policy Document must be readily available and brought to the attention of all employees. Policy documents consist of five sections:

1. The General Statement of Intent

This declaration must signed by the Chief Executive or Managing Director or the person who is responsible for the direction of the day to day organisation of the business. It should identify the general health and safety principles and responsibilities that are being recognised and adopted by the business.

2. The Organisation of Health & Safety Management

This section deals with the organisation of the responsibilities for health and safety, including what those responsibilities are for both management and operational personnel with regard to:

  • Planning: e.g. safe systems of work,
  • Co-operation: e.g. by consultation,
  • Communication: e.g. by the input and discussion of information,
  • Competence: e.g. by the provision of information, instruction, training and supervision. This may be broken down into defined areas or groups in line with the structure of each organisation e.g. subsidiary companies or authority departments etc.

3. Safety Management Systems

This section identifies the procedures, practices and arrangements used to identify and control the risks to employees and others from the work carried out by the organisation.

If there is a large range of systems etc, policy documents may only have an over view of procedures, or refer to a subsidiary document e.g. A Safety Arrangements or a Safety Management Manual.

4. Monitoring and Measuring

This section describes the means of establishing performance in relation to the implementation of the procedures and policies identified by the Health and Safety Policy etc. For example, carrying out and recording the results of regular health and safety inspections or the recording and investigating of accidents or near misses.

5. Review

This section describes the organisation's process for learning from the monitoring and measuring activities that have been carried out.

By considering the conclusions drawn form the information gained internally and in regard to any relevant changes in legislation and guidance, the organisation will be able to amend policy management and arrangements accordingly.

Reviews must be carried out at least annually.


The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 Section 2(3)