This code was originally adopted by the Institute in the 1990s and has been included here to remind members of the original statement.

This code lays down the standards of professional practice that all members of the Institute are to follow in their dealings with employers, employees, clients, students, trainees, the general public and fellow groundsmen. Whilst this code of practice is primarily for members of the Institute, it is hoped all involved in groundsmanship will adopt it.

1. Objective

1.1 The object of this code is that all members of the Institute shall be aware of their responsibilities:

  1. To their employer.
  2. To the grounds they maintain for the use of all sports people everywhere.
  3. To be mindful of their colleagues engaged in similar work both near and far.

1.2 That all members working in sportsground and allied areas of work, may through their own efforts and co-operation with colleagues promote the skills, professionalism and goodwill of all persons connected with groundsmanship.

1.3 To ensure that all sports are played on surfaces that are suitable and safe for that sport to take place.

2. Responsibilities

2.1 To carry out your duties and work to the utmost of your ability.

2.2 To carry out sound turf management practices and principles at all times.

2.3 To practice sound supervisory and/or managerial strategy. To promote both the interests of the employer and the employee whenever possible.

2.4 To support, train and assist fellow groundsmen in the furtherance of their career.

2.5 To use the resources available to you effectively and efficiently.

2.6 To satisfy all safety requirements when using machinery.

2.7 To ensure the safety of others at all times.

2.8 To conduct yourself in a professional manner towards employers, employees, colleagues and the general public at all times.

2.9 To refrain from any action that may harm any individual or the Institute.

3. Self-Development

3.1 To develop your skills and knowledge to enable you to carry out groundsmanship in a professional manner.

4. Safety

4.1 To comply with the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, and not to act in a manner that will endanger any person, or yourself at any time, to include:

  1. The work place.
  2. Personal protective equipment
  3. Machinery, including safety devices.
  4. Safe methods of work.
  5. Storage and use of hazardous materials - fertiliser, fuel, chemicals, etc.
  6. Safe lifting and handling.

5. Other Organisations

5.1 To meet with other organisations and promote groundsmanship.

5.2 To recognise that members of other organisations also have skills that relate to groundsmanship.

5.3 To help and share in the furtherance of all aspects of groundsmanship with other organisations.

6. Summary

6.1 All members of the Institute shall at all times act in an honest and lawful way towards whoever they may come into contact.