
Most maintenance tasks are carried out on a fairly routine basis from one year to the next. Why, then, should there be a need to prepare a maintenance calendar for looking after a sports facility or amenity grassed area?

This can be a common response to a question asking whether a groundsmans / turf / course manager has a maintenance calendar.

This article will identify some of the benefits that can be gained from preparing and using a maintenance calendar as part of the management process.

Benefits of a Maintenance Calendar

Forward planning is a key management skill which helps to identify and address issues well in advance of any adverse conditions occurring. A maintenance calendar is a forward planning tool which aims to predict the type of work that will be required in maintaining a given area.

The important word to note is that of 'predict', which implies that it is not definitive but is of a reasonable accuracy. If, for example, the maintenance calendar is found to be 80% accurate then this could be considered to be a successful achievement.

A maintenance calendar may be used for some, or all, of the following:

  1. Identify when tasks are expected to be carried out.
  2. Quantify the total number of occasions for a range of tasks that will be carried out.
  3. Identify when materials will be required, for example, top-dressings, fertilisers, grass seeds etc., enabling them to be ordered on time.
  4. Highlight the need for any training requirements, such as the use of machines, the spreading of materials etc., and when the training would need to be completed by. A more detailed training needs analysis would be carried out following any initial indications of a requirement.
  5. As a starting point for a detailed labour profile chart for the maintenance work. This will identify highs and lows in workload in relation to available resources etc.
  6. Identify when machinery / equipment hire may be needed, for example, verti-drain, and to ensure these are booked well in advance of requirements.
  7. As a starting point for building up budget estimates.
  8. Identify when certain machinery will not be required and can therefore be able to be taken out of action for major servicing or overhaul.
  9. As an aid to show others what and when maintenance operations are required and carried out. This can be very useful when trying to explain turf maintenance requirements to club members, other staff etc.
  10. To help identify potential future problems and uncertainty and address them before they occur. This can ensure that the objectives of the facility are continually met. For example, a clash between some maintenance work and an event or activity that is being planned.
  11. In conjunction with the planned usage of the area. For example, when identifying additional work and inputs that will be required for events and tournaments to achieve the expected higher presentational standards.
  12. To determine a relationship between inputs, actual usage and outcomes (such as the playing surface quality achieved).
  13. As an aid for a groundmans and turf manager for focusing on their specific situation regards soil and sward conditions, available resources and usage of the facility.
  14. Used as an 'active' guide that is updated in response to prevailing weather and soil conditions and usage patterns, in particular the wear caused by use.
  15. As an historical document that can show how planning and maintenance techniques have changed over time.
  16. Planning is a primary management function. A maintenance calendar is part of the operational planning porcess and is tehrefore an important management function.
  17. It can be used to show how business objectives and mission statements can be achieved.
  18. If a maintenance calendar is used for a facility that is run by volunteers, such as a bowling green or cricket ground, then it will porvide some element of insurance against the principal person who is responsible for undertaking most, or invariably nearly all, of the work being incapacitated. Whoever takes over in the short term will at least have a good idea of what is required.