Typical Area = (10.97m x 23.77m) = 261 m², add 2 metres behind each baseline and 1 metre at the sidelines, gives 13m x 28m = 364 m²

(All estimates of 'bags' refers to the number of 25kg bags of material required)

Materials Application Rate Total Quantity to apply per court
Fertiliser / Grass Seed 17 g/m² 6.2 kg (¼ bag)
  34 g/m² 12.4 kg (½ bag)
50 g/m² 18.2 kg ( ¾ bag)
Top-dressing 1 kg/m² 0.36 tonne (14½ bags)
Irrigation 1mm (1/25.4") per occasion 0.36 m³, or
80 gallons
  6.35mm (¼") per occasion 2.31 m³, or
509 gallons
25.4mm (1") per week 9.25 m³, or
2,034 gallons