What is it?

This is a specialist and very light form of scarification carried out on fine sports turf areas, which raises loose vegetation at the base of the grass plant. It should not be used to penetrate any underlying thatch layer as severe defoliation of the sward can easily occur due to how closely spaced the verticutting tines are.

What does it do?

Verticutting is typically carried out on a weekly basis when the grass plant is growing strongly throughout April to September.

The benefits of this operation can be seen in the following :

  1. An improved sward density due to the encouragement of tillering.
  2. A reduction in the potential for annual meadow grass invasion by producing a denser sward in the first place.
  3. A reduction in the potential for disease attack.
  4. As a cultural control for, or assistance in controlling, weeds and coarse grasses.
  5. To produce an upright grass prior to mowing, which will assist in giving a cleaner more even cut.
  6. The playing speed of fine turf sports areas can be improved.