Previous issues

Groundsman November 2021

Drive For Diversity : Attracting women to the sportsturf sector

Sports Turf Academy : Leicester City FC invests in the next generation

Soil Analysis : How to test your soil’s health and fertility

Groundsman August 2021

Rugby League World Cup 2021 Gains : Rugby league pitch improvements

Turfgrass Biodiversity : Understanding organisms and when they're active

Pest Management : Methods for effective control and prevention

Groundsman June 2021

Gray Leaf Spot Disease: Part 2 : How to manage the disease

Pitch Advisory Service : Improving grassroots natural turf pitches

Up and Running : How ECB new recruits are ‘getting the game on’ post COVID

Groundsman May 2021

Glorious Goodwood : An agronomist’s view of racecourse surfaces

COVID-19 Update : A 12-month industry review

Gray Leaf Spot Disease: Part 1 : How to spot the symptoms

Groundsman April 2021

Twickenham Touch : Jim Buttar discusses Winter renovation before the Six Nations tournament

Volunteer Training : Online options enhance skills

Sustainable Solutions : Helpful tips and best practice at AELTC Edgbaston & Forest Green Rovers

Groundsman March 2021

Celebrating #GroundsWeek : A national call to salute the vital role that grounds staff & volunteers play in sport and physical activity.

Managing Change : Post COVID team tactics

Microbrial Profiling : The importance of microorganisms in turf

Groundsman February 2021

Apprenticeships: : An update on current education options

Online Learning: : GMA launches Level 3 Winter Pitches

China's Goal: : Dalian Football Youth Training Centre

Groundsman January 2021

2021 Pay Scales : GMA research suggests 1.2% pay rise

Community Cricket : Another dimension to Clap for Carers

Brexit Britain : What’s the deal for pesticides?

Grounds Management Front Cover Groundsman December 2020

Steve Braddock : A game-changing grounds manager.

GMA Launches new toolkit : New online toolkit available for volunteers.

The French Connection : The Brit behind one of France's best cricket pitches.

Groundsman November 2020

Bridgehead Cricket Club : how the community rallied around to help the club reinstate its pitch after damage caused by storm Clara.

New ways of raising funds : Gateshead Cleveland Hall FC have found new ways of raising money to fund their pitches.

Renovation in Lockdown : take a look at how Seaton Bowling Club took advantage of lockdown to renovate their green.
