
The ability to correctly identify a range of different grass seeds is an important skill of a groundsman or greenkeeper.

This section provides a ready reference for identifying the four main genera used on turf, as well as a number of other seeds that may either be commonly encountered or are of interest for seed comparison purposes.

The four main genera:

  1. Lolium (Perennial Ryegrass: Lolium perenne)
  2. Festuca (Chewings Fescue: Festuca nigrescens)
  3. Agrostis (Browntop Bent: Agrostis capillaris)
  4. Poa (Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass: Poa pratensis)

Other seeds:

  1. Large leaved Timothy (Phleum pratense)
  2. Crested Dogstail (Cynosurus cristatus)
  3. Tufted Hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa)
  4. Hard Fescue (Festuca longifolia)
  5. Yorkshire Fog (Holcus lanatus)
  6. Annual Meadow Grass (Poa annua)

Perennial Ryegrass: Lolium perenne

perennial ryegrass seed

Typical seed size = 5 - 7mm

Chewings Fescue: Festuca nigrescens

chewings fescue seed

Typical seed size = 4 - 6mm

Browntop Bent: Agrostis capillaris

browntop bent seed

Typical seed size = 1 - 1½mm

Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass: Poa pratensis

smooth stalked meadow grass seed

Typical seed size = 2 - 2½mm


Other seeds:

Large leaved Timothy: Phleum pratense

Rarely used in sports and amenity turf situations nowadays.

timothy seed

Typical seed size = 1 - 1½mm.(width x length)

A similar size to the Agrostis seeds, but a broad, rounded oval shape.

Crested Dogstail: Cynosurus cristatus

No longer used. Previously used in the same sort of situations as perennial ryegrass in the 1960's, but the use of crested dogstail declined with the continued improvements made in perennial ryegrass cultivars.

crested dogstail seed

Typical seed size = 3mm

Typically a golden straw colour and various shades of it.

Tufted Hairgrass: Deschampsia caespitosa

Used in some shaded, moist areas and included in some seed mixtures for modern football stadia.

tufted hairgrass seed

Typical seed size = 2 - 2½mm

A very soft seed to touch, that has white silky hairs at the base of the seed.

Hard Fescue: Festuca longifolia

Used in dry and low wear areas.

hard fescue seed

Typical seed size = 4 - 5mm

Yorkshire Fog: Holcus lanatus

A weed seed sometimes found as an impurity in some seed mixtures.

yorkshire fog seed

Typical seed size = 2mm

Annual Meadow Grass: Poa annua

A weed seed sometimes found as an impurity in some seed mixtures.

annual meadow grass seed

Typical seed size = 2 - 2½mm