Annual Mowing Planner

This interactive planner will help to determine the estimated total number of cuts that an area will have, along with the total and average cost per cut.

Answer the following questions:-   Comments
What is the total area being mown? m2 This could be the total area for a number of sites on a mowing round, or just one facility, e.g. a football pitch.
What is the average, or typical time, to mow the grass for the area given above? hours This should ideally also include the time needed to set up a mower, or tractor and gang mowers etc., as well as the time needed to clean the machine after use, and any travelling time between sites (if this also applies).
What is the average number of cuts, per week, that are expected to take place during the main growing season? cut/s per wk
A typical number of cuts should be able to be given, and then an increase or decrease can be applied to see what effect this could have on the quality and costs of adopting different mowing regimes.
What is the length of the main growing season? weeks The main growing season will vary depending upon where the site is located within the country, as well as how the local micro-climate affects growth.
What is the average number of cuts, per week, that are expected to take place during the two weeks either side of the main growing season? cut/s per wk This acts as an intermediate phase between the slow to no-growth period and when the majority of growth takes place.
A two week period has only been chosen arbitrarily.
How many additional cuts will take place for special events etc.? cut/s Occasionally a special event or match is to be played that will required some additional input to ensure the presentation of the area is above that which is normally produced.
Outside of the main growing season and the two weeks either side of it, how many cuts will be expected in total? cut/s This is basically to allow for topping of the grass during the slow to no-growth period.
What is the typical cost, per hour, that can be used to estimate the total mowing cost? £ per hour This should include the costs for the items mentioned in calculating the mowing times. In addition any repayment costs, overhead costs (such as a proportion of overall administration etc. costs) may also be included.
What is the total estimated number of cuts per year? occasions
What is the total estimated cost per year to mow the area for the stated number of occasions? £
What is the annual mowing cost per m2? £

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