Bowling Yearly Workload Planner

This workload estimator is a useful modelling tool to help determine the likely input required to maintain a (flat) bowling green to a required standard (see Performance Quality Standards). The actual inputs will depend upon a number of factors, including the carrying capacity of the green and the anticipated usage for the season.

Total (projected) number of occasions the task is to be carried out PER YEAR Average time, in HOURS, to complete each task.
Mow @ 8 - 11mm
Mow @ 6.5mm
Mow @ 5mm
Trim edge of green
Aerate - Slit tine
Aerate - Solid tine
Aerate - Sarel spike
Aerate - Hollow tine
Top-dress - Spring
Top-dress - Autumn
Returf worn ends
Turf tonic with sulphate of iron
Turf tonic with ammonium sulphate
Light rolling (3-5 cwt)
Fungicide - contact - application
Fungicide - systemic - application
Selective herbicide application
Mosskiller application
Other pesticide application
Wetting agent application
Install ditch material
Remove ditch material
Miscellaneous 1
Miscellaneous 2
Miscellaneous 3
Total staff hours

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