Cricket Square Annual Work Load Estimator

Cricket Square Maintenance: Interactive Yearly Workload Estimator

This workload estimator is a useful modelling tool to help determine the likely input required to maintain a cricket square to a required standard (see Performance Quality Standards). The actual inputs will depend upon a number of factors, including the carrying capacity of a prepared pitch and the anticipated usage for the season.

Changes to inputs can be easily undertaken to see the impact this will have on the total hours for maintaining a square. This is ideal for 'what if' scenarios.

The results can then be readily converted into staff costs for the maintenance of a square.

The experience of the main person responsible for maintaining a square will be invaluable in helping to determine the maintenance input required, as this person will be the one who has the local knowledge on the existing soil conditions and the effect this has on maintenance tasks.

Some general times to complete each task have been included, although these can be simply overwritten, if desired, for your own purposes.

The times are based on a square of 10 wickets (i.e. 30.5m wide).

Note. Do not add a leading zero, i.e. 0, to any whole numbers, i.e. 5 should not be represented as 05, otherwise erroneous results will be produced. Follow this simple rule and your own detailed work estimator will give you the answer you are looking for.

Three Miscellaneous boxes have been included to allow for any specific requirements not covered in the rest of the table.

Total (projected) number of occasions the task is to be carried out PER YEAR Average time, in HOURS, to complete each task.
Mow @ 25mm (for example)
Mow @ 10-12mm (for example)
Aerate - Slit/Chisel tine
Aerate - Solid tine
Aerate - Sarel type tine
Aerate - Hollow tine 'saddles'
Initial squaring of square
Returf worn ends (per pitch)
Turf tonic (Iron)
Light Rollin
Medium Rolling
Heavy Rolling
Selective Herbicide application
Fungicide application
Other Pesticide application
Full Pitch Preparation
Full Pitch Renovation
Intermediate repair and preparation
Miscellaneous 1
Miscellaneous 2
Miscellaneous 3
Total staff hours


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