Cricket Square Performance Quality Standard

This Performance Quality Standards Interactive Playing Surface Estimator helps you determine what the specified level of quality the playing surface of the cricket square meets.

Performance Standard Points scored
1. Structural Quality  
A. Herbage  
Length of herbage
Bare area (a) Total area
Bare area (b) individual diam' of bare areas
Total ground cover
Desirable grass species
Poa annua
Other undesirable grass species
Weeds - Large-leaved
Weeds - Small-leaved
Algae and Lichen
B. Pests and Diseases  
C. Profile  
Root depth
Thatch depth
Rootzone medium (depth)
Rootzone clay content
Rootzone < 0.125mm
Soil strength
Infiltration rate
Soil pH
Soil nutrient level P2O5
Soil nutrient level K2O
Organic matter
2. Presentational Quality  
Surface debris
Sward colour
3. Playing Quality  
There are no playing quality performance standards for a cricket square, only the prepared cricket pitch.  
Total points

For the pitch, on the whole†, to represent the stated overall level of quality the number of points that need to be scored are as follows:  
High Quality (optimum points 150)
This is the maximum number of points possible.
128 - 150
Standard Quality (optimum points 90) 77 - 127
Basic Quality (optimum points 30) 26 - 76
Below Basic Quality < 26
The term 'on the whole' is defined as being within no less than 85% of the optimum number of available points.  



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