Golf Tees Interactive Analysis

This analysis tool helps you to determine 'what if scenarios' in relation to the cost of materials used on the sets of tees for 18 greens over the course of a year.

Material Total estimated amount of material to be used during the year Unit Cost £ Total Cost £
Fuel for machines gallons £ per gallon (average diesel / petrol)
Top-dressing tonnes £ per tonne
Grass Seed bags £ per bag
Fertiliser (type 1) bags £ per bag
Fertiliser (type 2) bags £ per bag
Sulphate of Iron bags £ per bag
Water m3 (220 gallons per m3) £ per m3*
Seaweed extract application per hectare £ per application
Turf for worn areas m2 £ per m2
Miscellaneous 1 £
Miscellaneous 2 £
Miscellaneous 3 £
Miscellaneous 4 £
Miscellaneous 5 £
Annual Cost £

* The cost of water supply can vary significantly depending upon which area a site is located, and will include how much discount can be achieved for the surface water drainage charges.
Pesticides have been excluded from the analysis due to the regulatory need to minimise pesticide use, the continued limitation in availability of what can legally be applied and the variance in costs between active ingredients. You can include your own costings in the miscellaneous boxes.

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