The Pioneer Legacy

The Grounds Management Association's 'Pioneer Legacy' is a recognition scheme dedicated to celebrating the contributions of both past and present members of GMA NextGen (formerly known as the GMA Young Board).

At the heart of the Pioneer Legacy is the Pioneer Mark - a distinctive legacy number awarded to each GMA NextGen member, representing their impact on the profession. Join us in recognising the trailblazers who continue to inspire and innovate within our field.

Pioneer Marks:

John Ledwidge

Ryan Golding

Niall Hazlehurst

Nick Phillips

Liam Cash

Tom Grafen

Anthony Facey

Joe Broadwood

Louise Saunders

Liddy Ford

Beth Gibbs

Jack Langley

Meg Lay



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About GMA

We are the Grounds Management Association (GMA) - the UK’s leading membership body dedicated to supporting grounds staff.

A not-for-profit organisation, we champion the volunteers, professionals, and businesses that make sport possible.


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28 Stratford Office Village, Walker Avenue, Wolverton Mill EastMilton KeynesMK12 5TW Tel: 01908 312 511